Sunday, September 30, 2012

Not a BABY Anymore...

Well, it's official...our little Mac is a toddler!  He's been teeter-tottering on two legs for a few weeks now, but has recently been making tighter turns and lifting his feet over obstacles.  Some days are more exciting than others and today was just one of those days I couldn't help but just watch him in amazement as he cruised through the kitchen, made a hard left and toddled down the hallway.

He's long figured out that objects have a purpose and watching him make connections is adorable.  He now holds my phone to his ear (maybe sign I talk on it too much?  I try not least not in front of him!), and will pick up a hairbrush and brush his hair (well, sort of--he tries!).

Even Chase is a supporter of these newly discovered skills... Mac's most favorite thing to do in the entire world is feed his buddy Chase!  Whenever he can manage an escape he'll take-off down the hall towards the powder room (which is where we keep Chase's food and water now).  After glancing over his shoulder with a twinkle in his eye that says "Game On, Mom!" he scoots right up to the dog food bin and somehow manages to remove the (not-so childproof) lid.  Reaching in and scooping out handfuls of kibble and dropping them piece by piece into Chase's bowl -- it cracks him up and Chase is a big fan too!  I can't help but smile...watching them "bond!"

I leave you with a few pictures from our trip to San Diego (with Daddy) and LA where we visited our good friends Katheryn and Sophie.

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